Rainbow Walk Kids Fashion Show
VMS Malaysia Sdn Bhd has co-organized with Lovely Panda Network, “Rainbow Walk Kids Fashion Show" event which was successfully held on 7th July 2018 at Sunway Nexis, Kota Damansara. More than 500 orphans from various orphanages attended this event. Out of which 60 orphans from Pusat Penjagaan Nuri, Rumah Charis and Rumah Tunas Harapan Tengku Ampuan Rahimah paraded catwalk with Eco Concept Fashion. The objectives of the event were to improve their education’s facilities; to improve their self-confident; to show their talents; to contribute their services; to promote caring & sharing lifestyle. This event with the large scale of orphans gathering was listed as the "Most Number of Orphans Participating in a Fashion Event" by "The Malaysia Book Of Records". See more on report by Media.......
The Star ePaper-Rainbow Walk
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